At the first part of this blog I have told you never memorize the cards by the book, each card could have a different meaning when applied to an individual's life. like i said the cards are technically the life of a person, from the day he is born to his life struggles and successes, his ideas and surroundings, emotions the time he loves and loses and just about everything, may i remind you that there are 2 particular cards that most people are afraid of getting the so-called "Devil" and "Death" cards, these two particular cards if taken it can mean plenty of things besides the idea of what it is.
the meaning of this card will be puzzled out depending on the cards that are open in association with it. so yes you can make up your own spread so you don't really need to follow the traditional spreads you see on books, in fact, having your own spread makes you more credible as you invented it, it will work for you for the querent.
technically the only way for you to understand the cards is for you to be reading it like you are reading a book, you have to put the pieces together to get the whole story or at least the idea behind it.
I have seen psychics in the streets do the reading that way, I even heard one say that tarot cards are bad because if you use it you have to suffer from it, why? because it takes your soul away or the devil is owning them. In my mind is innocence can really destroy a person. I think that's one of the reasons why I wrote this blog to inform the innocent that getting a reading is not what it seem to be and there's nothing to be afraid of, to the Psychics please refrain from over informing the person one thing is sure we shouldn't act like Gods and or angels but we should be the guides that help these people walk in the right path again and help them relive their confuse lives.
Its never the intention of any Psychic to misinform his or her clients, but seriously we're never perfect at most readings can be 50/80% accurate it would be out of luck if such a reading gets 80% and furthermore the cards is just a guide on what to do and what not to make your life worth while for you, yes im talking to you, you cant live your life with the cards but you can use the cards to help you move your mountains and prevent them from colliding.