Thursday, February 26, 2015

Miracles Do Happen

It was hard times for me and my family 6 months long is really is a long time to suffer, we lost everything we built and worked on and there seem to be no one like to give us a hand in any form, even those close to us they don't see us like how they do before, before we lost, everything....Life was like being in the middle of a darkened room, I found a key to get out of that room and and i went out in the middle of a dark forest, everything was all foggy and can hardly see anything in sight, it seem it was raining so I ran, as long and as far as I can but everytime I am about to get out of that situation there's always a something that hinders my way out its like slipping on wet ground everytime i try to stand up.

I was for a fact a victim of society's monsters and I cant just get out of it, i was so deep in that forest of no return, that i cant seem to find a path towards the main road, then i fell in a pit and everytime I'm about to get out the soil just keep corroding and at that i was carrying baggages heavy for one person I was hopeless and felt nothing will ever save me.

At one point i was close to ending it all i went to face book to say goodbye to everyone but no one seem to bother to put a comment or send me a private messages they all thought i was immortal that its something I will never do but when I was writing that i was in the ledge of the hostel where i was staying, convinced that I am my mom's only hope and I failed her, no one deserve this kind of trial in a person's life no one not even the most horrid person alive deserve what happened to me and my family, no messaged me except for one person he told me to wait for 10 min just 10 min, he said there is a way out and he will get help to get me out he wrote the story on what is happening to me and my family in a secret page in facebook, it was amazing as in that 10 mins time i received over 25 comments Hindu prayers and chants almost all the same when i read it that for some strange reason it made me step down from the ledge, as i read each comment that was written I felt different then i sat down on a near by bench, still reading the mantra started playing in my head over and over 20 mins later my phone rang and it was someone a cousin from another south east asian country called and asked me what was going on I told him everything and then he said "find a new place Ill get you outta there". in a week time I get to move somewhere 2 weeks later i found a new condo, the day after we paid it we moved, and now slowly my life started getting back on track.

It changed my life for the better they call it Deeksha a Sanskrit word for benediction or gift.

Initiates a neurobiological change in the brain that when complete enables the senses to be free from the interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind’s interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calmness and connection.

I am still wiccan but wiccans have respect to all forms of beliefs and paths. If you like to learn more about it message me you do know where to find me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I have been interpreting dreams for quite sometime now and I wasn't aware of that gift until I met a friend that told me about a site called girltalk by Female Network.  at first I was just an observer then later on i started helping people interpret and understand their dreams and turns out everything I was telling people actually starts happening, the catch is I need the exact detail and as for my observation the only way for a dream to have its meaning is for it to be remembered when you don't remember your dream as soon as you wake up its a meaningless one.

I get feeds whenever i read the messages, the idea just flows inside my head as soon as i close my eyes to understand each scenario, I hear the voices of my guides telling me what is really going on, unlike most people when I read each dream I read it philosophically, as for what i understand our subconscious mind speaks to us that way, in a manner that we all cant relate. 

One of my main request to make a good interpretation would be keep a notebook and a pen by your pillow at night and by the time you wake up write down as much details as you can about your dream for the messages get revealed within the details and when you can remember the said details then its a message from beyond.

They call me Lady Dana I am wiccan, I can read your dreams and give you its messages, I can read your cards and give you your answers in questions you you have in your heart, I can find you ways to clear your path, I walk the path of all the Realms, I am Mother Nature's very own work, she created me to Live.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

the Trickster

a few years back i was visited by a man asking for potions he said he wanted to take control in the office whereas he has a group of people under him that needs discipline.....

For some reason I know i saw this man before I just cant remember where and who he is he said his name was Tony and that he is a Doctor and that hes been on some tv interviews which probably is where i saw him, I got 2 Persian cats then and that day was the first time that ally my healer cat didn't even came out of the room and even if i call him to say hi to that man she will not come out, in my mind it was really weird as ally is a very lovable cat, and like i said it was the very first time she didn't bother to come out of the room....

Later that night i had a dream i was in a room with no one around but i hear a voice in another room, it was a young lady probably in her late 20's she was screaming for help and that she want it over, I have no clue what she was saying till a behind me opens and i saw a man carrying some sort of a straw made poppet on a stick and then he turned and its like in the movies when the camera angle turns and i saw that doctor who came to visit me pouring the potion on that poppet and the girl screamed again like she is in terrible pain....

I woke up at 6am and ran towards my computer, i googled faith healers in the Philippines thinking maybe if i can see a name i can place the doctors face on the name, there was a list that came out and a profile for every faith healer in the country and there he was it was the so called Doctor that came to visit me and bought my potion the man who a lot of people know as a healer is actually a manipulator, a morbid person, it gave me goosebumps but its true, i just remembered about this story, because i came across something in the net whereas people are wanting to go see him and most of these people are women in every walks of life, its just disturbing a lot people don't know who they will be dealing with........

Moral lesson, be on your guard at all times, test the waters if you can, do not go any further if you felt your personal intuition starts acting up and certain situations will start keeping you from going over to visit, as the universe will be on its full power to prevent anything negative to happen to its creations, there is such a thing as spells glamoury, and blinding spells even memory spells to prevent anyone from recognizing who.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

tarot, Readings and the Psychic II

True tarot counselors never puts the client in their shoes and tell them a story that doesn't exist, its weird I know but there are plenty who are like that instead of being able to read whats in-store or answers to different situations they end up informing their querent on what is going on with the psychic"s life, at the end of the reading the session the querent will feel more confused instead of relieved, I have seen it, it does happen and this is one of the things  we should practice to avoid.

At the first part of this blog I have told you never memorize the cards by the book, each card could have a different meaning when applied to an individual's life. like i said the cards are technically the life of a person, from the day he is born to his life struggles and successes, his ideas and surroundings, emotions the time he loves and loses and just about everything, may i remind you that there are 2 particular cards that most people are afraid of  getting the so-called "Devil" and "Death" cards, these two particular cards if taken it can mean plenty of things besides the idea of what it is.

Devil - it scary but the meaning is all very different from what you were told, this card has something to do with temptations, dangers, false hopes, dark understandings, tests, trials, things that can happen everyday but usually it has something to do with temptations as seen on the card its temptation that is applied to both genders it doesn't matter if its a man or a woman also it has something to do with Karma,

the meaning of this card will be puzzled out depending on the cards that are open in association with it. so yes you can make up your own spread so you don't really need to follow the traditional spreads you see on books, in fact, having your own spread makes you more credible as you invented it, it will work for you for the querent.

Death - most people depicted this as "you're going to die" I mean seriously, who in the world will tell her/his client that? Here's the deal the death card means new beginnings, the end of a situation, putting a lid on past issues, probably a start of something better depending on the card associated to it.

technically the only way for you to understand the cards is for you to be reading it like you are reading a book, you have to put the pieces together to get the whole story or at least the idea behind it.

I have seen psychics in the streets do the reading that way, I even heard one say that tarot cards are bad because if you use it you have to suffer from it, why? because it takes your soul away or the devil is owning them.  In my mind is innocence can really destroy a person. I think that's one of the reasons why I wrote this blog to inform the innocent  that getting a reading is not what it seem to be and there's nothing to be afraid of, to the Psychics please refrain from over informing the person one thing is sure we shouldn't act like Gods and or angels but we should be the guides that help these people walk in the right path again and help them relive their confuse lives.

Its never the intention of any Psychic to misinform his or her clients, but seriously we're never perfect at most readings can be 50/80% accurate it would be out of luck if such a reading gets 80% and furthermore the cards is just a guide on what to do and what not to make your life worth while for you, yes im talking to you, you cant live your life with the cards but you can use the cards to help you move your mountains and prevent them from colliding.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tarot, Readings, and the Psychic

In this country it is very normal to see psychics in just about anywhere from malls to the streets even the outsides of the catholic churches, mainly its because most Filipinos believe in hope and because of all the love they give, at least that what I believe but also in my point of view anyone one can be his own personal psychic that is if you understand cards and divination techniques.

The only setback in reading yourself will be manipulating the cards and sometimes we tend to read and understand the things we like to hear, and that is the part we need to prevent hearing what we like to hear and knowing what we only like to know.

First thing you need to get will be your personal deck of cards ( you can get those in bookstores namely (Powerbooks, FullyBooked even National bookstore may carry such), there are several decks in the market but I would suggest trying to view each deck they normally have samples in the counter, please do remember the cards find the owner, not the other way around, how does it work? simple whichever deck appeals to you more is the one that is meant for you.

Once you did getting your tarot, examine it, open the deck and look at each photo of each card, taking note of every detail will help you understand the card more every detail is a part of the story. the card is basically the first book of the Philosophy of Life of Journey of the Fool.

During the day I would suggest spending time with your deck like studying it and maybe reading the instructions that go with it but please i beg you do not memorize the meanings by the book or you won't get the real meaning of the deck, your personal instincts and understanding is far better than the instructions that go with the deck, besides you are dealing with your life, not the instruction writer's  life.

At the end of the Day take your cards smoke it with incense as sensing removes any form of negative vibe, put the deck under your pillow its not for you to dream of it take note but its for you to be closer to it, as the cards need to take your vibrations as well to make sure it only reads what is in store for you for the day.

Every morning when you get up after doing all your morning habits and rituals take the deck and shuffle it 3x, take 3 cards and interpret each card it will form the story of the day that way you get to change what needs to be changed and you get to avoid what needs to be avoided to make the day work in your favor.

At the end of the day do it all over again. like I said anyone can be their own personal psychic but not anyone can be their own personal adviser.

Living Wiccan in the Midst of the Snake Pit

It was not too long ago when i have decided to go with the flow and move to better pastures I went from living the quiet atmosphere of one of the nice places in QC to the heart of the richest city in Metro Manila, It is and yep I was right people are nice to you until certain things change because of some things that cant be prevented 5 years I get to stay there and by the looks of it little do i I know I was actually living in a snake pit, then I learned I cant trust anyone, I cant be myself anymore its like people just changed colors overnight and I was the victim, I grew up in that area but by the looks of it people are not what they seem to be being in that place can make your hearing impaired people can be cussing behind your back but you will hear nothing but loving praises, yes, i was a fool to believe that, and then Light started shining at the end of the pit I struggled on my way out, carrying heavy burdens of the years living there, I was in the brink of giving up in the process i lost my only trusted companion Sirius a Mahogany/black Persian cat yes i miss him dearly as he is the only being I can trust with anything and wouldn't talk back. Sirius got taken away from me by a hotel owner that claims things when his business isn't even legal.(I wouldn't be mentioning names anymore but those who knows me would know who or what is this about). Well amidst all that I survived the plague that followed me for 6 months. An so I'm alive.

this year will be more challenges ahead for me as gaining everything i lost back will be a start,  this person made me lose everything, then again the witch is about to go back to its tracks, and if you want to learn more about what happens next then Ill let you know soon.