Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Lady Dana's Mystical Mindset

Lady Dana's Mystical Mindset App shirt samplers

Due to certain situations that cannot be avoided I have decided to broaden up my ideas and think of other ways to simplify certain issues going on with me currently, mom is not doing pretty well with the business so I have come up with something new that will bring about new ways and new ideas in the metaphysical shop industry and this is what I have done so far, I have recently put up a shirt shop that would be helpful for my mom's medical needs and of course help pay the bills.

I would like to introduce to you Lady Dana's Mystical Mindset Apparel, its merchandise will be of the following, famous philosophy quotes, motivational and inspirational quotes from ancient philosophers, wiccan graphics and designs, and more. 

Proceeds of these items will be for my mom's medical assistance and bills, all shirts and other items are made and printed in the USA shipped and powered by .

Monday, September 17, 2018

Post Halloween Rituals for Protection

It is only the first week of september and already I been hearing news about certain events happening in different places, last night it made me realized that the thinning vale between the realms must have gotten a bit early this year that weird things happen to different people in different occasions in different places.

Several nights ago there was this person I have known for years asking me if there is a way for me to clear up her house of hauntings, then last night I turn on my computer with a post that says his equipment turned on on its own, and then later on last night a friend posted a photo of reaction on his neck, also last night the usual passers by in my house went weird on me and decided to make me pass out for no reason, I was still trying to finish up a few jobs that was required of me from where I was teaching.

In this post I will be giving you  a few tips and tricks that you can use to clear out your personal space with playful vibes of the other realms, these are just simple solutions for your everyday nastiness of the spirit realm.

  • I would suggest cleaning up the mirrors in the house with vinegar/rock salt mix, use the smallest basin you can find at home to create the mixture,  3 cup of water, I tspn vinegar, a handful of rock salt use this mix to clean up your mirrors and you copy these symbols to be written on a piece of paper and to be placed on the mirror front and back.

  • try smudging the mirrors with sage or any incense to cleanse and seal.
  • the floors mop your floors with half a bucket of salt water and lemon juice this will remove all form of negativity setting up in the house. again go around the house with a smudge stick or incense and walk around 7 times to seal the area.
  • sprinkle salt and sage mix on areas of the house where you feel there is activity, this will reverse the intentions to something good its called rechanneling.
  • on a white pouch put in star anise, sage, rock salt, and cloves  in equal parts and pin that on top of the main entrance of the house. Make sure you light a white candle while you do this and incense to offer the elements for the guidance.
Follow these simple steps and you dont need to ask any one to do these things for you yes you can do it yourself or with the help of your own family.  this will last you for over a month at least enough time till November 1 and 2 are done. you can either do this now and repeat sometime before halloween no problem with that.

I hope this helps you from having sleepless nights and worrisome days.

dont forget to subscribe on my blogs and write a comment I would love to hear from anyone who wishes to do more.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Global WIccan Summit: And It Has Begun

the Lady Dana 
Whp, Master Philosopher, Int'l Tarot Reader,
Lecturer, Paranormal Exp, tv persona, shop owner,
Vegetarian Chef, Teacher
For the last 20 years it I have been a practicing Wiccan and  yes this is where I found myself feeling the freedom and the life the fulfillment of every dream I had ever since I was young, I am one of those occult shop owners who dwells in the idea that my small little area in this earth would be able to bring upon the financial help I had been looking for to deal with the issues of the family, to help my mother, to help me, and to help those people who would come and seek my assistance, but as time goes hindrances and distractors keep stepping on the way towards my goal.

The Philippines is a Christian/Catholic country which of course, believes in the idea of the stereotype witches that they see on cartoons and the movies, and even at that time when I first started my first office in the Makati City area, in a mall on the third floor there is a Christian community that does its meetings there every now and then they will drop by my store and harass some of my coven members, me as the high priestess would engage myself in talks with these people giving them a dose of their own medicine, that's when I have learned that I have to come out of the shadows and reeducate people on what its really like to be US.

Apu Adman Aghama one on one phone 
interview with the Lady Dana

Today thanks to the Correllian tradition in the US the founders of witch school, they bring forth the Global Wiccan Summit, the purpose of this momentous event was to explore wicca as a global  religion, with it you will hear more of what the other paths have to say on the idea as well, the views of different traditions world wide and this I believe can make people come about to the conclusion on what real wicca and witchcraft is all about .

The Global Wiccan Summit will be on till the 10th of September click on the banner for other details and the schedule of this historical occasion.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Unintentional Astral Travels

Just this week I recently met someone who has been having a recurring dream, at least that is what she thought was happening, when she sent me the story within the dream and I started analyzing what was going on on that particular dream it turned out to be something else, she keeps seeing the same characters over and over almost every week this dream comes and haunts her. 

The dream location is her father's old house she said she felt something is going on in that particular house a long time ago she practices too of course, when her father died her step mom kicked her out of the house, now her eagerness to get her father's ashes and some of his things is making her dream of it and since the dream became a sequence that goes on and on I have concluded that it wasn't a dream anymore, that was her, her will made her astral body go and visit her father's house and go snooping around.

Although the intention is good its not a really good idea that anyone does something like that specially if you are unaware, there are several things that you need to watch out for, Soul Snatchers to be exact and since that house has a history of practising the craft light or dark whatever it is there still other entities that we might not be aware of.

To control something like this from happening again one of my best solution was to put 3 cloves of garlic under the bed before going to bed, place a recently cleansed dream catcher on top of your head board, you can also try cider vinegar on a saucer  placed on the table of the dresser just right beside the mirror, cleanse all the mirrors in the house with salt water ( this is also good to do sometime a week before Halloween, it seals the possibility of open vortexes.

These are just some of the remedies I can share with you for this particular issue, hope you learned something and enjoy reading.

Blessed be!!!