From the day I set foot on this place till this very moment I have noticed a couplw of unseen kids and ladies lirking around during the night times. Some just stares at the shelterdwellers others just passes through and I mean through, many of which are memories or astral shells, these are not ghosts but memories of the said structure. This is not exactly a new building I was told itz more of a renovated old building that was turned to a school, its painted lightly with earth tones with a lot of greens surrounding the building. If the dwellers are happy so are most of the playful unsèn children that plays around, no they don"t do the poltergiest atuff but they jaut like running around during the evenings when no one is awake and disappeara into thin air.
There differt tomes wjen they appear but most times Are when the lights go out, good thing none of the dwellers can see them if ever its either they get spooked first and cause a riot or the u seen children gets spooked and might start being hostile. There seem to e sething wrong with the children tonight as I an writing this the kids kept running around, there iare two things that may bother the spirits this way it maybe something dark or someone is making them feel uneasy maybe one òf the dwellers I may not be able to write everythingg about this place just yet but soon I will tell you mabe a story from one of the kids till then, I think I may need to kèp my third eye peeled at most times