Monday, September 23, 2019

A Queen or a Peasant

For this article, I would like to shift things a few notches, and let’s talk about something that will benefit a lot of people not just Wiccans and paranormalists, but those people who are in the norms.
What turns a woman to a queen? Her abilities, her mindset, her point of view, a good education, her thoughts. What makes a woman to a queen, is it her ways, the way she talks, the way she moves, would it be her actions? A lot of possible answers for one simple question lets break it down then.

Her Abilities:

A queen knows how to make better judgment knows when to speak and knows how to act most especially in public; it’s not just how she is being alone in a room with her king, but most especially how she is supposed to act when in front of people who are working with her king. She has the ability to show people kindness and speaks only when spoken to, she never interrupts people who are talking with others and acts accordingly making sure she doesn’t put herself and her king in shame.

Her Mindset, her point of view:

A queen never thinks negatively about those people who give her partner a compliment instead she should be proud that she is with him and should speak and think highly about her partner, not the other way around.  Her mindset is supposed to help her king focus on what needs to be done to make a better turn; she should be supportive of him and helps those that work for him instead of thinking badly about them or thinking bad things to get rid of them.

A good education:

When was the last time you have heard of an uneducated queen? Royalty has more than enough for themselves they can even afford an education outside their own countries, in this case, if you lack education don’t show it instead. try to do home school and start acting accordingly, there is nothing wrong with admitting that a person doesn’t know something, who knows maybe the person she gets to asked questions on will even help her with what she needs, pushing people away is not an act of royalty and hate will never take her anywhere that will help her gain what she lacks.

The way she speaks:

A lady should speak in a low tone voice, soft as a whispering wind; this is what they say in the olden days, there is no such thing as a barbaric queen, when you speak in a high tone voice people will be judging you as a person who they cannot be close to, sometimes worst if a queen is with her king she should be that person that would make her partner or whoever she is with proud and that would make a king love his queen more, not less.

So what makes a peasant? It is everything opposite of what I have just discussed with you, not too long ago I met a person of such quality, she is not pleasant, and I don’t think it’s really her fault, it could be her culture, where she was raised, or how she is raised, she has insecurities on the highest level that she tends to do anything just to speak badly about a person who she thought was trying to take something or someone away from her. She doesn’t have class and even she dresses up in gold she will still be a peasant to most women of my level its why personally I wouldn’t stoop to her idea of a lifestyle. It’s not right no person should be subjected to bullying by a person suffering from high levels of insecurities.

The reason why I wrote this is not for this person to read and be annoyed but it’s for the women who are being treated unfairly, I hope this article polishes your idea on what you are, every woman on this planet deserves love, respect, and happiness from her partner, as every man deserves to have a supportive and loving queen.

To those kings that read this article, if you felt that your queen is not being supportive of your ordeals, your job, your lifestyle, hear them out first then make your decision, you have to learn how to weigh things if you felt your chain of thought is being stepped on then let it go, if you feel that what she has to say to you makes sense, then make it up to her, give her some time and talk about it. A real queen listens, knows and understands her king for what he has to say to her.

To those women with a lot of insecurities, please stop, you’re only hurting yourself in the process of making things worse for yourself and those people you end up bullying, think before you speak because sometimes your insecurities are not just hurting the person you are talking to but you are hurting those who know them more than you do.

Lady in the Elevator

Sometime not too long ago, probably over about a month ago just before I have moved to my new condo, I was asked by my mom to go buy something at the convenient store it has something to do with the packing that was going on in the unit so I have to go get dressed before going out of the door. I have this weird hobby of checking out who else is waiting for the elevator to come up as we are on the 16th floor, so I went out of the door and looked out, there was a lady wearing a long black skirt and a white polo shirt top least that is what I thought it was but was not carrying anything just waiting by the elevator, where we live is a bit far from where the lady was standing so I hurried inside to get my wallet and try catching the elevator door before it closes should it arrive.

I brisk walk as fast as I could when I was about a few steps away the lady moved and walked straight in thinking she would be holding the door open I said “Please wait!” but as soon as I get to the elevator the first the elevator was on the ground floor and the other one is still on the 20th floor and there is no way the elevator in the ground floor can go down that fast as when I was walking towards it should be at least on the 10th or the 7th floor at least.

When I got down to the ground floor I asked the guards on the lobby if they saw the lady wearing a black skirt and white buttoned shirt going out of the first elevator on the left, they answered No and that that the elevator is currently being fixed it's why it’s open from the ground floor, that just sank in me that that lady that I saw was no neighbor and that she could be just a memory from the past. The look on that lady as I was approaching her has no emotion, no expression and just plain empty.
In such a short time, I have left in the building I asked some friends around if they remember such a person that looked like what I have described and some say it must be one of the unit owners from the same floor but none of my neighbors look anything like the one I just described, then one of the security personnel that has been working there for a long time told me a story of a lady that used to live on the same floor as I am, she left for work and was never found ever again, was wearing the same clothing as I have described, a white buttoned shirt and a long black skirt, her hair was tied up not on a ponytail but it's like  how I tie my hair up using chopsticks, a bit skinny, Spanish looking and fair complexion.

Who is she? What happened to her? I don’t know only time will tell if I would still have time to come visit that place again and try to see if I can talk to that spirit if she is one, but if it’s just a memory then I believe there is a message she wants to tell people, whatever it is I know one day she will open up to someone, someone living in the same unit as she does a long time ago.