This is a Paranormal show currently on Amazon, Philip Patrick Page is a really good friend of mine and as I had said it once I will say it again, I do support if I see real talent and effort, and this is more than just talent and effort this is self produced, everything that is being used in this project came out of pocket, and to me that is special and worth your time and effort.
Phil and his group of paranormal experts Curtis and Gina does their wonders to get the job done, specially the one that is made in the mob museum, I watched it just because I have to see it, I have this thing on the mob families and such and such a long time ago, they can detect activity.
To those people who are fond of ghost hauntings and paranormal enthusiast I would say please do watch the show, this is good for those people who are starters and wishes to learn more about paranormal investigations, you can watch the behind the scenes too live in fb live you can click the link to get there.
on Amazon:
The youtube channel is currently a work in progress